U.S. Military Heritage and Battlefield Planning
Military plans and battlefield plans prepared by the firm span the continent and the centuries, from New York to California, from Revolutionary and Civil War battlefields to World War II air bases and Cold War radomes in the South Pacific.
For over four decades, Phil has played an active part in planning for the preservation of America’s military legacy. He has completed more than 30 historic preservation projects for the U.S. Department of Defense, including site-specific cultural resource surveys, National Register assessments and nominations, and integrated cultural resource management plans. These projects are diverse, ranging from 17th-century barracks to uranium-enrichment facilities and missile silos.
A particular focus of the firm is the analysis, planning and interpretation of America’s battlefields. Plans have been prepared for the Revolutionary War site of Gilbert Town in Rutherford County, North Carolina, and the Civil War battlefields of Franklin, Tennessee, Appomattox Station in Virginia, Reed’s Bridge in Arkansas, and Wood Lake in Minnesota. Phil’s work includes studies of battlefield preservation funding and other planning projects for the Civil War Trust.